SummerSplit Playoffs: Match 2 Recap & Highlights

On Wednesday it was time for the second match of the play-offs, where it would be decided which team was going to face Team THRLL in the semifinals. LowLandLions and Echo Zulu ended in 3rd and 4th place respectively, pitting them against each other. If Echo Zulu won, they’d also make Country Finals ahead of Dynasty, so stakes were high.

LowLandLions started off aggressive like we’re used to from them, picking up early kills, an early Dragon and the Rift Herald, putting the gold lead at 2000 after 10 minutes of play. Echo Zulu countered by finding two kills in bot lane and taking the second Dragon, but LowLandLions kept finding picks on Jkalam’s Senna and secured the second Rift Herald. Their gold lead grew to 4000 at 15 minutes as they picked up their second Dragon a little later. It was LowLandLions who kept dictating the pace, reaching Soul Point and forcing Echo Zulu back. Echo Zulu engaged on LowLandLions in the mid lane but they turn the fight, leading to a free Baron. Echo Zulu rushed towards the Dragon trying to prevent LowLandLions the Infernal Soul, but they lose the teamfight and the Dragon itself. Echo Zulu engaged a final time through Boomin on Nautilus in the mid lane, but LowLandLions found the necessary kills to end the game and took the lead.

In game 2 it was again LowLandLions who were most active early on, finding kills for the Aphelios of Orre in the bot lane alongside an early Dragon. Echo Zulu picked up the second Dragon, but lost two players in the process, one going to Orre once more who started to be more and more terrifying. Echo Zulu did secure the Rift Herald and pushed in the top lane, but the third Dragon went to LowLandLions as they pushed down the bot lane. The game slowed down a little in the minutes that followed, with Echo Zulu holding LowLandLions back from pushing down the lanes. Echo Zulu won a teamfight around the next Dragon, finding three kills and picking up the Dragon themselves. Fights around objectives stayed very close, but Echo Zulu found two kills through mid laner Baba and put themselves on Soul Point after 27 minutes of play. LowLandLions gave up the Infernal Soul to Echo Zulu while picking up Baron themselves. As Baron ran out Echo Zulu took control, finding multiple picks. When LowLandLions were caught out in the jungle of Echo Zulu, the game was over as Echo Zulu forced a game 3.

In that third game LowLandLions notably opted for a Pyke-Taric bot lane. It was LowLandLions who started off with a quick First Blood, but Echo Zulu leveled it out with a kill off their own and an early plate in the bot lane. Lots of action in the early game, with Echo Zulu finding a great teamfight in the top lane and securing the gold lead. That didn’t last long as LowLandLions stole the Herald and found two more kills on top of that. The game kept going up and down as Jkalam found two more kills for Echo Zulu, but after a kill on Baba LowLandLions took down the first turret in the mid lane. A fight broke out around the third Dragon, which was won by Echo Zulu followed by a first Dragon for them.

On the side of LowLandLions, Raqo got more and more fed on Azir and started becoming a problem, resulting in a third Dragon for LLL. LowLandLions moved to baron which they were able to secure, while Echo Zulu was able to take down Quicktimer as a consolation prize. After a poor teamfight LowLandLions lost most of its players with Baron Buff to Echo Zulu, but they were able to find four kills and the Cloud Soul after the next fight around Dragon. Echo Zulu stayed alive through a great teamfight in the bot lane but lost the Elder Dragon and Baron to LowLandLions. Sebs pushed in the base of LowLandLions but ultimately lost to Looca who was defending, giving LLL the go-ahead to push further in Echo Zulu’s base, ending the game after a great final engage by Hades. LowLandLions will meet Team THRLL in the next round!

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