Dutch League Week 7 Recap & Highlights

The seventh week of the Dutch League was an important one, as all teams still had something to play for. In the top of the rankings Defusekids and Dynasty still play for seeding, while mCon esports and Team THRLL were both still in the running for the last slot in the play-off race.

The first match of the evening was the one between Defusekids and the undefeated PSV Esports. Defusekids opted for a more scaling composition with a Kassadin and Senna, while PSV Esports went for more high-risk, high-reward with a Ziggs in the bot lane and a Jayce in their top lane. Things went wrong early for PSV Esports as Chapapi picked up two kills on his Kassadin early for Defusekids. By then, the game was mostly over as Defusekids played to their strengths and won the game. The PSV Esports winning streak is snapped at 7 wins, as Defusekids aims to secure the second seed for the play-offs.

The match between Echo Zulu and Dynasty was an entertaining one, with Echo Zulu trying something new. Dommy took to the bot lane with a Yasuo while Jkalam went top with a Yorick, Baba took Rek’sai into the jungle and Mke held the mid lane with a Zac. The composition took Dynasty by surprise initially and Echo Zulu picked up a small lead, but the weakness of their all-melee composition became clear later in the game. Dynasty didn’t play their best game but managed to secure a victory in the end, keeping pressure on Defusekids in the standings.

Defusekids looked to win their second game against mCon esports and they were able to do so. Thanks to a great performance by Goose on Aphelios, which also earned him the MVP award, the Ziggs-Tahm Kench bot lane over at mCon esports was never able to find its footing. Defusekids put the pressure back on Dynasty, while mCon esports was in danger of losing their play-off spot if Team THRLL would beat Dynasty.

Closing out the seventh week of matches was Team THRLL, who took on Dynasty in an important match for both. It was almost all Raqo on Syndra and Mytheos on Tristana in this game, with both players winning their matchup aided by dONNIE on Jarvan IV. The game dragged a bit towards the middle, but eventually it was Team THRLL that came out on top. Team THRLL now heads towards play-offs, while Dynasty lost its second place to Defusekids.

Next week: