Dutch League Playoff #1 Recap & Highlights

The regular season of the Spring Split is finished and so we head towards the play-offs. PSV Esports took on Defusekids in what was sure to be an interesting game. In their confrontations during the regular season both teams managed to secure a victory and both teams seemed capable to reach the finals.

In the first game PSV Esports was able to pick up Ornn (mid lane) and Senna. Defusekids opted for an Aphelios for Goose, while Chapapi played into the Ornn with an Azir. PSV Esports found an early lead through great ganks by Albetrayber on Lee Sin, but Defusekids kept gold pretty much even. Defusekids found a winning fight around Dragon and opted for a Baron rush, but PSV Esports found an ace, which led to an advantage. After a strong teamfight in the mid lane PSV Esports was able to end the game.

PSV Esports was able to secure Ornn and Senna again, but this time the Ornn was played by Zhergoth. Defusekids again put Goose on the Aphelios but put a Braum next to him this time. This time Defusekids found a small lead, but PSV Esports made it up when we arrived at mid game. The game itself devolved in an all-out brawl with both teams trying to gain the upper hand. Eventually Defusekids got it done through big plays by top laner Alois in the top lane, forcing a third game in the series.

In the third game Defusekids chose Ornn in the mid lane, while Alois took a Gangplank to the top lane. Zhergoth opted for a Jayce in the PSV Esports top lane, with a Cassiopeia for Furuy in the mid lane. Kitty and Anthrax opted for Aphelios-Braum, while Goose and Nightmares chose Ezreal-Rakan. In the jungle Hades picked Elise, with Albetrayber on the Lee Sin again. This time PSV Esports got a great start, which really suited their composition. They managed to snowball the game and the gold lead got so big Defusekids couldn’t recover. PSV Esports is the first team to qualify for the finals.

Next week PLAYOFFS: